For the past
few years I have engrossed myself in the Entrepreneurial culture. I’ve read
millions of words in eBooks and went through the internet for every course,
resource and scrap of information I can get my hands on and consumed it all.
Most importantly I learned and still learn from successful Entrepreneurs by
spending a lot of time with them.
In everything
I’ve been gathering I started noticing similar trends that successful
entrepreneurs do every day. A lot of them start their mornings at around 4-5am
while others work out or meditate (I don’t see myself waking up that early).
If all
successful people had the same strategies and we had to apply them to our daily
lives, wouldn’t we also be at least putting our foot in the right direction?
Honestly, I
sure do love my sleep and the laziest person; however, meditating is sure worth
a try. Perhaps I should share these habits and strategies and we can work all
apply them on our daily lives. Let’s see how far we can go…
1. Plan
your day
I easily get
distracted and waste time on unnecessary things. This would happen to anyone
especially if you have a day job that also needs your undivided attention.
If you want
to get things right and done, then plan your day. Successful entrepreneurs
don’t just wake up and see where the day takes them, they know what tasks need
to get done, what time they have scheduled in for themselves and use most of
the given time.
I do my best
work in the mornings, so I try to schedule at least three hours on my office
work and focus on my writing just after lunch. Look at your calendar and
prioritize your schedule. If you work best during a specific time of the day,
block out those hours for a quiet work time.
Plan your
breakfast, your date with a friend, how long you’ll take in a coffee shop and
most importantly, keep your energy up by eating healthy.
2. Single-task.
We tend to believe that when we multi-task, we get do a
lot done at once. Unfortunately, when you have too much going on at once you
may become distracted by interruptions and unimportant glitches (facebook,
instagram and text messages). Switch off your data.
To be productive and effective, prioritize, delegate
whenever possible and focus.
3. Say no.
Most entrepreneurs feel pressure to accept every
opportunity that comes their way. I’m one person who is always willing to
assist and end up regretting all the time wasted because I don’t benefit the
work done neither does my brand.
Time is our most valuable commodity. Be selective about
what you agree to do.
4. Value your time.
Let me explain this.
Unlike money, time is a non-renewable resource. There’s
simply no way to make more of it. Guard your time and spend it doing the most
important things for yourself and your company. Avoid distractions whenever
I know we get excited about having a potential client and
jump at the first meeting request, but pause a bit. Whenever someone requests a
meeting or consultation with you, try asking for the questions in advance so
you can do your research ahead of time. This will keep you on time
and on task. You are able to determine if the meeting is worth being held face
to face or can be handled over the phone.
5. Delegate / outsource.
In the early days of my blogging, I thought I could do
everything myself. Then I realized the small, ordinary tasks were taking me
away from things important that needed my most attention. I was all over the
place and overwhelmed.
From (most)
successful entrepreneurs, outsourcing was a essential point in their business.
It allowed them to grow their business much faster and bring in way more income
than they would have if they had kept trying to do things on their own. They
outsourced to experts.
tasks you either don’t like doing, or know someone can do better and faster
than you will not only free up your time in your business to do what you do
best, but also frees up so much more mental space and energy you may not have
even realized was being drained.
6. Take a break.
Get up from your desk and eat lunch elsewhere. If you
can’t spare even a moment away from work during the day, make lunch your
networking hour. Schedule lunch meetings throughout the week with key clients,
professional acquaintances and friends.
7. Dedicate
Time To Self-Development
entrepreneurs use eBooks, courses, workshops, mentoring and coaching to
increase their self- development. We never stop learning and we never stop
One of the
first things you should do when you start a business is invest in your own
education and self -development, even if it’s just a few rands. And it should
never end.
There are so
many different ways you can include self-development. I attend a lot of
workshops use eBooks and do short on-line courses. It’s one of the best way to
self- develop and empower myself
is not only for business, learning more about who you are, how to understand
your personality and use it in your business and how to be more self-aware are
all ways you with grow both personally and professionally.
9. Rest
& Recharge
You need to
ensure you’re getting sufficient rest and recharge. What I’ve noticed about
successful entrepreneurs is that they make time to sleep and recharge.
I have
irregular sleeping patterns and that works for me as I prefer working while
people are sleeping. However, you need about 6 hours to 8 hours sleep to feel
relaxed and refreshed every morning.
In addition
to restful sleep, many successful entrepreneurs also take regular time out from
their business to recharge and gain a new perspective on things. This may be a
holiday somewhere or a few days off here and there or even just some time spent
around a different group of people, but all commented on the need to recharge
their own batteries every now and then.
Not a lot of
things to kick start a stable road to success, right? All you need to do is
understand the need to create a balance in your life.
Empowered Women
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Twitter: @milkflows
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
Twitter: @milkflows