Monday, 29 July 2019

Never Negotiate with The Inner Bitch!!!


...that’s the bad news.

The good news is that there’s a fucking beast living in all of us, too.The BEAST knows what needs to get done to reach your fullest potential in life.

The little bitch however is always creeping in your head and trying to negotiate with you and talk you out of what you need to and should do...

“Take the easy way out”

“No one will know”

“It’s okay to hit the snooze button”

“Just one more drink”

“It’s okay to skip the workout, you need the rest anyway”

“It’s just a small lie, no one will get hurt”

And once you begin negotiating with your inner bitch the slippery slope of bad decisions begin.


Choose hard over easy.

Keep your promise to yourself.

Set higher standards of expectations.

Do the things that others aren’t willing to do.

Kill the little bitch within and feed your inner beast!

Flourishing Empowered Women 
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow 
Twitter: @milkflows

Be Ready For Anything

I'm sure we've all heard that a positive mindset can change your life but that's all good until some unexpected BS happens....right? Truth be told most of us can look on the bright side on a sunny day but how clearly are you able to still visualize the sun when it's raining?

No matter how many affirmations, good vibes and inspirational books you read will always find a way to smack you in the face when you least expect it. Rather than telling ourselves that as long as we think positive, negative situations won't occur, it's better to expect things to go wrong but remain confident, faithful and positive enough to know that no matter what it is, you can survive and then find a solution to overcome it. 

The art of a positive mindset is not expecting everything to be perfect but remaining calm and collected enough to see the light at the end of the tunnel when things go left. 

Don't wake up this week expecting everything to be perfect...simply wake up knowing that whatever happens, YOU ARE EQUIPPED TO HANDLE IT! YOU GOT THIS SIS! 

Flourishing Empowered Women 
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow 
Twitter: @milkflows 

Monday, 10 June 2019

The Secret to Having it All in Life....

The secret to having it all in life is to suffer for the outcome.
Sis, think about it; the second you’re born you have to suffer for your first breath of air.
An acorn planted will suffer in the cold, heat, during droughts and floods all while pushing through the dense earth to become a mighty oak tree.
What makes you think that anything else should come easy?
Finding your way in life won’t be easy.
Finding your voice in this world won’t be easy.

Finding your calling won’t be easy.

Starting a business won’t be easy.

Growing a business won’t be easy.

Amassing wealth won’t be easy.

Starting a family won’t be easy.

Staying fit and healthy won’t be easy.

Life isn’t meant to be easy folks.

Suffering is the way. And it’s that way by design.

When you suffer you grow.
When you suffer you appreciate.
When you suffer you gain greater understanding and wisdom.

When you suffer you harden up...
But here’s the problem that you and many others are experiencing.
You’re too soft and you’ve let yourself off the hook for far too long.
Society has set the bar low and you’ve accepted it and now you just “fake” try everything...
...and when shit gets hard like it’s supposed to, most people back down, find an excuse and quit.
Easy has become the default for most.
Easy is NOT the way.
If you really want it, you’ll have to earn it, so you’ll suffer for the outcome and you’ll be a better person for it.

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
Twitter: @milkflows

Monday, 3 June 2019

11 Habits That Winners Possess That Keeps Them Keep Winning

1) They show up even when they don’t feel like it.

2) When they’re winning they try even harder.

3) They don’t make excuses for losing. They own it, learn from it and come back to dominate.

4) They know that winning is rented and the rent is due everyday.

5) They help others win.

6) They keep their actions congruent with their goals.

7) They never dodge responsibility.

8) They stay away from negativity and gossip.

9) They believe in themselves and their ability to win more than anyone else.

10) They’ve already won in their heads.

11) They never give up.

Flourishing Empowered Women 
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow 
Twitter: @milkflows


REAL TALK: When you settle for average and accept mediocrity as your default you’re killing your dreams, ambitions and desires.

Do you think your mom said she wants her child to be of average health?

> Of average wealth?

> Or have an average job?

> Or be with an average person?

> And live an average life?

But too many of y’all are settling for just being average by hanging around average people and talking about average shit.

If you’re wondering why you’re not further ahead in life - it’s because you’ve chosen to settle and gotten complacent.

Level up your standards of expectations, the people and the conversions around you.

I’d rather be alone and have an intelligent conversion with myself, than hang around a bunch of losers who have accepted mediocrity as their default.

Try that on for size for 30 days and see how fucking awesome your life can get. πŸ€™πŸΌπŸ¦

Flourishing Empowered Women 
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow 
Twitter: @milkflows

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

How Many Times Do you Give Your Power Away?

The truth is many of us spend our entire lives giving our power away and letting people drain our batteries whenever they please.  My question is this that a problem with them or with you?

I remember a time I would say "yes" to everyone and everything.  I believed it was the right thing to do, to make others happy regardless of how I felt, to cater to others regardless of whether my needs got met, to give my last even when I could find nobody to give me theirs and to be there for everybody who needed me...after all I was called to be ALL THINGS TO ALL PEOPLE right?...actually here's where many of us go WRONG! We cannot pour from an empty cup yet most of us try to do that every day.  As they say, "self preservation is not selfish, it's necessary"

Then there were those who seemed to live just to intentionally irk my last nerves!  They came in the shape of micro-managing bosses, annoying coworkers and troublesome family members.  Once again draining more of my battery. These people had the power to make me mad, upset and ready to go to jail ...I'm sure many of you relate! I mean it wasn't my fault they were jackasses right?

Actually it was my fault.  I made 2 huge mistakes:

LESSON 1:  I had taught them how to treat me and by that I mean ...I had taught them that they could use me however they please with no boundaries or repercussions and technically had allowed them to steal every last drop of energy from me until I had nothing left to give myself.  Funny thing about that, they simply moved on to drain someone else's battery never for one moment stopping to see if I needed a little extra juice to keep me going. Welcome to LIFE!

LESSON 2: I had been freely giving my power away to people by allowing them to control my emotions.  I was letting everything "they" did get to me, acting like it was life and death rather than realizing it was just a job to pay the bills until I could do what I wanted.  Understanding that my annoying coworker was probably a lost soul who needed forgiveness and prayer rather than an butt whooping and that my troubled family member actually might need some professional help.

Did you notice something?  All any of it took was a MINDSET SHIFT! The lessons I learned and now live by allowed me to set boundaries, recharge my batteries, think better, see clearer, become less emotional and above all CLAIM BACK MY POWER!

I want you to monitor today how many times you voluntarily give your power away whether at work, at home or with family and friends. Your power is the greatest tool you have...share it and use it wisely my friends!

Flourishing Empowered Women 
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow 
Twitter: @milkflows

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Your Bills/ Expenses vs Their Bills/Expenses: Slay in Your Lane

Todays Reminder: "YOUR Bills/Expenses vs. THEIR Bills/Expenses are not the same...SLAY IN YOUR LANE!" -  

One of the biggest problems I see on social media are people comparing their lives and making decisions based on someone else's circumstances who they've most likely never met! 

◾YES....she may have made 6 figures but what are her overheads? much of that did she actually KEEP at the end of the day?

◾YES... she may have invested R15 000 in her business but does she have a day job funding the process? 

◾YES ....she may have walked away from her job but was she single or did she have a husband or partner who stepped in to pay the bills until her business took off?

◾YES ...she may work through the night EVERY night but does she have children or is she child free and gets to sleep all day if she wants? 

◾YES ...she may always take trips and buy expensive things but does she have savings or is she about ready to file bankruptcy?

LISTEN point is this! Only YOU know your circumstances! Use your discretion! ...your life and circumstances are not cookie cutter so don't expect YOUR journey of entrepreneurship to be and stop living for the illusion of fame! Success is living YOUR best life on your terms and in your way...not how someone else says! You create the rules to your success because only you know what truly brings you joy, inner peace, happiness and freedom while still handling your commitments and responsibilities!

Don't let some of these "gurus" influence you out of house and home because you only see the GLAM and not the GRIT in their business! #StopItISay 

#SlayInYourLane #TipOfTheDay 

Flourishing Empowered Women 
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow 
Twitter: @milkflows

Monday, 25 February 2019

It's OK to not be Ok

Listen if you let social media tell it, everybody's rich, everyone wakes up slayed to the gods and no one has any problems! Now that's #FakeNews

Truth be told we are each going through our individual journeys. navigating the ups and downs of life and sometime simply doing all we can to stay sane in this crazy world we live in! Life happens to all of us and no amount of money can save you from the twists and turns that it brings to each of us in our own separate ways.  

The key is not to expect life to be perfect, know in advance that "stuff" will happen, sometimes you won't be in the mood, sometimes you won't always think positive, sometimes you will want to just give up on everything but the truth is overcoming the challenges will make you a CHAMPION in the end.  Have a 1 hour pity party if you want to but then dry your eyes, pray to God for strength to overcome and then continue on your mission my love.  He's not thru with you yet!

Life can bring you to your knees but its up to you if you choose to stay there!  Choose to stand in FAITH.

Flourishing Empowered Women 
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow 
Twitter: @milkflows

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Not Everyone Is Your Assignment

When God is using you as a #vessel to enlighten and awaken his people you must first realize everyone and everything is NOT your assignment!  There are billions of people in this world and God will align the ones assigned to you to be in the right place at the right time to hear your message. No need to force it, compete or shade others to receive your blessings! God will position you exactly where you need to be if you abide by his #direction, remain humble and let things flow naturally! 

It is for this reason #competition should not exist in your world, because your assignments are already preselected!   It is also for this reason you should focus simply on spreading your authentic message and showing up every day knowing those who are assigned to you will hear you, see you and the right doors will be opened unto you in God's timing! Those who are not assigned to you will move on to find the person who is! #SimpleAsThat 

It is only in being authentic, confident and showing up every day that you leave the door wide open for your assignments to #walk in and find you need to fight for it my friend! 

Be On A Mission To Find Your Assignments.

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow 
Twitter: @milkflows 

Thursday, 3 January 2019

New Year - New Mind-set: Lets GO!!!!!

As we start the New Year it is imperative that we drop the things that held us back in 2018!  Truth be told, we are the ones that usually hold ourselves back more than anyone else!  Through negative thoughts, self-limiting beliefs and self-sabotage, we have a habit of picking up habits that serve no purpose! 

The problem with habits is that they stick around...even when you don't want them to. They do not disappear on their have to consciously remove them by changing your DAILY thought patterns and action.  They say it takes 21 days to break a habit so that means it will take almost a month to change some of the habits you have adopted.

My question is this..."is a month dedicated to breaking bad habits worth living your best life for the rest of your life?” Only you can answer this question. Life is truly what you make it...when you start to think with an abundant, positive, solution orientated mind-set you will find life suddenly changes for the better.  

Start to view your cup as half full and not half empty, see the beauty in everything and above all develop a mind-set of GRATITUDE in all things!  

It works...TRUST ME!

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow 
Twitter: @milkflows