Thursday, 24 January 2019

Not Everyone Is Your Assignment

When God is using you as a #vessel to enlighten and awaken his people you must first realize everyone and everything is NOT your assignment!  There are billions of people in this world and God will align the ones assigned to you to be in the right place at the right time to hear your message. No need to force it, compete or shade others to receive your blessings! God will position you exactly where you need to be if you abide by his #direction, remain humble and let things flow naturally! 

It is for this reason #competition should not exist in your world, because your assignments are already preselected!   It is also for this reason you should focus simply on spreading your authentic message and showing up every day knowing those who are assigned to you will hear you, see you and the right doors will be opened unto you in God's timing! Those who are not assigned to you will move on to find the person who is! #SimpleAsThat 

It is only in being authentic, confident and showing up every day that you leave the door wide open for your assignments to #walk in and find you need to fight for it my friend! 

Be On A Mission To Find Your Assignments.

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow 
Twitter: @milkflows 

Thursday, 3 January 2019

New Year - New Mind-set: Lets GO!!!!!

As we start the New Year it is imperative that we drop the things that held us back in 2018!  Truth be told, we are the ones that usually hold ourselves back more than anyone else!  Through negative thoughts, self-limiting beliefs and self-sabotage, we have a habit of picking up habits that serve no purpose! 

The problem with habits is that they stick around...even when you don't want them to. They do not disappear on their have to consciously remove them by changing your DAILY thought patterns and action.  They say it takes 21 days to break a habit so that means it will take almost a month to change some of the habits you have adopted.

My question is this..."is a month dedicated to breaking bad habits worth living your best life for the rest of your life?” Only you can answer this question. Life is truly what you make it...when you start to think with an abundant, positive, solution orientated mind-set you will find life suddenly changes for the better.  

Start to view your cup as half full and not half empty, see the beauty in everything and above all develop a mind-set of GRATITUDE in all things!  

It works...TRUST ME!

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow 
Twitter: @milkflows