Tuesday, 7 May 2019

How Many Times Do you Give Your Power Away?

The truth is many of us spend our entire lives giving our power away and letting people drain our batteries whenever they please.  My question is this ...is that a problem with them or with you?

I remember a time I would say "yes" to everyone and everything.  I believed it was the right thing to do, to make others happy regardless of how I felt, to cater to others regardless of whether my needs got met, to give my last even when I could find nobody to give me theirs and to be there for everybody who needed me...after all I was called to be ALL THINGS TO ALL PEOPLE right?...actually here's where many of us go WRONG! We cannot pour from an empty cup yet most of us try to do that every day.  As they say, "self preservation is not selfish, it's necessary"

Then there were those who seemed to live just to intentionally irk my last nerves!  They came in the shape of micro-managing bosses, annoying coworkers and troublesome family members.  Once again draining more of my battery. These people had the power to make me mad, upset and ready to go to jail ...I'm sure many of you relate! I mean it wasn't my fault they were jackasses right?

Actually it was my fault.  I made 2 huge mistakes:

LESSON 1:  I had taught them how to treat me and by that I mean ...I had taught them that they could use me however they please with no boundaries or repercussions and technically had allowed them to steal every last drop of energy from me until I had nothing left to give myself.  Funny thing about that, they simply moved on to drain someone else's battery never for one moment stopping to see if I needed a little extra juice to keep me going. Welcome to LIFE!

LESSON 2: I had been freely giving my power away to people by allowing them to control my emotions.  I was letting everything "they" did get to me, acting like it was life and death rather than realizing it was just a job to pay the bills until I could do what I wanted.  Understanding that my annoying coworker was probably a lost soul who needed forgiveness and prayer rather than an butt whooping and that my troubled family member actually might need some professional help.

Did you notice something?  All any of it took was a MINDSET SHIFT! The lessons I learned and now live by allowed me to set boundaries, recharge my batteries, think better, see clearer, become less emotional and above all CLAIM BACK MY POWER!

I want you to monitor today how many times you voluntarily give your power away whether at work, at home or with family and friends. Your power is the greatest tool you have...share it and use it wisely my friends!

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow 
Twitter: @milkflows