Monday, 10 June 2019

The Secret to Having it All in Life....

The secret to having it all in life is to suffer for the outcome.
Sis, think about it; the second you’re born you have to suffer for your first breath of air.
An acorn planted will suffer in the cold, heat, during droughts and floods all while pushing through the dense earth to become a mighty oak tree.
What makes you think that anything else should come easy?
Finding your way in life won’t be easy.
Finding your voice in this world won’t be easy.

Finding your calling won’t be easy.

Starting a business won’t be easy.

Growing a business won’t be easy.

Amassing wealth won’t be easy.

Starting a family won’t be easy.

Staying fit and healthy won’t be easy.

Life isn’t meant to be easy folks.

Suffering is the way. And it’s that way by design.

When you suffer you grow.
When you suffer you appreciate.
When you suffer you gain greater understanding and wisdom.

When you suffer you harden up...
But here’s the problem that you and many others are experiencing.
You’re too soft and you’ve let yourself off the hook for far too long.
Society has set the bar low and you’ve accepted it and now you just “fake” try everything...
...and when shit gets hard like it’s supposed to, most people back down, find an excuse and quit.
Easy has become the default for most.
Easy is NOT the way.
If you really want it, you’ll have to earn it, so you’ll suffer for the outcome and you’ll be a better person for it.

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
Twitter: @milkflows

Monday, 3 June 2019

11 Habits That Winners Possess That Keeps Them Keep Winning

1) They show up even when they don’t feel like it.

2) When they’re winning they try even harder.

3) They don’t make excuses for losing. They own it, learn from it and come back to dominate.

4) They know that winning is rented and the rent is due everyday.

5) They help others win.

6) They keep their actions congruent with their goals.

7) They never dodge responsibility.

8) They stay away from negativity and gossip.

9) They believe in themselves and their ability to win more than anyone else.

10) They’ve already won in their heads.

11) They never give up.

Flourishing Empowered Women 
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow 
Twitter: @milkflows


REAL TALK: When you settle for average and accept mediocrity as your default you’re killing your dreams, ambitions and desires.

Do you think your mom said she wants her child to be of average health?

> Of average wealth?

> Or have an average job?

> Or be with an average person?

> And live an average life?

But too many of y’all are settling for just being average by hanging around average people and talking about average shit.

If you’re wondering why you’re not further ahead in life - it’s because you’ve chosen to settle and gotten complacent.

Level up your standards of expectations, the people and the conversions around you.

I’d rather be alone and have an intelligent conversion with myself, than hang around a bunch of losers who have accepted mediocrity as their default.

Try that on for size for 30 days and see how fucking awesome your life can get. πŸ€™πŸΌπŸ¦

Flourishing Empowered Women 
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow 
Twitter: @milkflows