Friday, 14 October 2016

Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Celebrate that woman

There are different symptoms of breast cancer and some people have no symptoms at all. Symptoms can include any change in the size or the shape of the breast, pain in any area of the breast, nipple discharge other than breast milk (including blood), and a new lump in the breast or underarm. If you have any signs that worry you, see your doctor right away.

Women, I see you. I celebrate you. The strength and courage in you is worthy to be celebrated ๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ‘‘


Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
Twitter: @milkflows

Friday, 7 October 2016

Challenge your mind, make positive choices

Choice is one of the few things that most people leave out of the equation when thinking about all of the reasons that separates those who achieve their biggest goals and dreams compared to those who don’t. The one thing that each and every one of us has is the incredible potential to live a remarkable life and be great in our own right.

We choose our habits. We choose the action or lack of action that we are going to take on a daily basis. We choose how hard we work. We choose what we think about all day long. 

Everything that you do on a daily basis comes from a choice. Living a better life, building a more successful business and becoming happier all comes down to making better choices.
Here are three questions that can greatly benefit the direction and quality of your life if you begin asking and answering them regularly.

1. Where am I right now?

This is an extremely powerful question to ask yourself because most people don’t even take five minutes out of their days to think about where they currently are in life. They know deep down that they are miserable but they just continue to coast along the path they are headed down because they fail to ask this important question.
The key when asking this particular question is to be honest with yourself. When you are honest with yourself, you are offered the opportunity for growth that will in the long run help you get to where you want to go.
Some days I have setbacks and don’t take strides forward, but as long as I am honest with myself when asking this question before I go to bed, I am able to know where I stand and the steps needed to move forward. Take the time to analyze your life and really take a long and hard look at where you currently are.

2. Where do I want to be?

This question is all about what you want out of your life. 
What are you putting in the long hours for?
What gets you so excited that it keeps you up at night?
Once you know where you currently are in life, you then must analyze where you want to be.
Most people have no clue where they want to be. They wake up in the morning an hour before they have to be in the office, go to work, do enough to get the job done and then head home before they have to do it all over again the next day. They follow the same pattern until retirement stage. 
If you don’t take the time to think about where you want to be, the circumstances of life and other people’s agendas will determine that for you. You deserve better.

3. What are the steps needed to bridge the gap?

The third question requires actual work and action, it’s easier to neglect it. After you discover where you currently are and where you want to be, the next question that you must ask yourself is what must be done to bridge the gap between the two? This is going to require several sessions of strategic thinking on your part, and may even take several weeks.

The answers to this question will never stop. As time goes on, more answers will come your way. The more you strategically think about what you have to do to get to where you want to go, the better and more efficient answers will begin coming to you.

Whether you are talking about an individual or organization, these are three questions that when answered carefully can dramatically increase efficiency, performance and motivation.
When you take time out to answer these questions regularly, you give your life meaning and purpose. The power of choice is truly extraordinary.


Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow

twitter: @milkflows 

Fight For Your Dreams

Some days, you have to put on your big girl pants and go fight the powers that be.

Sometimes it just takes a little reminder that helps us to realize incredible potential that lies within us. As a woman, you do not only provide the necessary essentials for life, but you also have the power to create life. Without you, the circle would be far from closed.

You are able to transform and to change, which allows you to leave all negativity behind. Don’t allow others to decide about your life, but instead seize the power that lies within you.

A strong, independent woman has the courage to be the best version of herself. Yes, it takes courage and strength, but it is worthwhile. Until you start trying to become the best you can be, you never really know the true potential that is within you. But if you have the courage to embrace your potential you will be able to make an important contribution to the advancement of this planet.

Our society places too much emphasis on sheer looks, but neglects to discover the true beauty within. There’s only one true ideal of beauty, which is to be yourself no matter what others say.

Many women complain about being trampled upon. The sad thing is that taking up the role of being a victim does not help in solving the problem. If you really want to become do something about the situation, then you will have to be proactive and do something about it. Otherwise, people will continue to trample upon you.

Have the courage to make a stand for what you believe in. No matter how powerful the enemy, be a woman who always gets back up on her feet and continue to stand up against your enemies. However, with the courage to stand up for what you believe in you will also be confronted with the question whether or not you want to stand up to your friends. Have the courage to stand up to your friends, even if it is causing difficulties for you.

Aside from standing up for what you believe in, you should never allow anybody to frighten you about speaking up for yourself. Make your voice heard in the world, otherwise others will speak for you. Speaking up for yourself takes courage, but it is a habit you can develop. Fight for the realization of your dream. Remember that there will always be people trying to dissuade you from living your dreams, so make sure you have some good arguments at hand that help you to speak up for yourself.

Keep fighting for your dreams.


Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
twitter: @milkflows

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Absolute Women Club Launch

My friend and I received invites to Absolute Women Club launch. We were so excited and honoured. Two nights before the launch my friend calls and says we have to be at the launch at 9am “Jeez”. May I be honest? I don’t wake up early on weekends. Saturdays are meant for sleeping. I quickly changed my mind-set and told myself that I’d be working. I’ll be networking and meeting people with possible business leads.
I arrived a few minutes late, the program had already started and most sits were already occupied. It was so unprofessional of me and I remember thinking to myself “if I was any of these women with shares in well-known brands, would I take myself serious and give me an opportunity to be part of the brand?” of course no. The point I’m trying to make here is, if you want to see changes in your life, be successful and part of leading women, then you have to make a few changes in your life. Start doing things differently and change your mind-set.
Back to the launch.
The event took place at Black Olive House in Quellerina and the place looked stunning. The dรฉcor was point and the ladies looked awesome.
Enough yada-yada lets looks at the pictures:
  Mrs Mathabo Kunene (Mazisi Kunene Foundation Executive Director) shared some words of wisdom and how she moved from just a literature paper to being a share holder at Bidvest

Faith Mkhombe (CEO of Absolute Women club) with this lovely woman in green

Carol Mhlarhi, Faith Mkhombe and Flow

Faith with Naked-DJ from Metro FM

Mathabo Kunene with these beautiful ladies.

This talented woman from Nozi Designs showed us a few tricks on how to dress our bodies

These ladies were there for business. The focus

Personal introductions took place

Faith with her lovely cousin

She's a true supporter. From Durban to Johannesburg

The place was packed

The decor

Nicely branded goodie bags from Absolute Women Club

Personalised cup cakes. The caterers really went all out

These were yummy

The ladies took a break and indulged themselves

Mathabo engaging with more ladies

Who can forget this bubbly soul from The Blue Train

Lunch was served

More guests

Thabisile from Ubuhlebethu (Beauty and image studio)

Thank you @Absolutewomenclub. We had so much fun.
This was indeed Flowrishing
Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @milkflow twitter: @milkflows

Monday, 15 August 2016

Women In Lead: High Tea Event

On the 31 of July 2016, women who are eager to succeed and empower each other made their way to Grand Life Cafรฉ in Hyde Park for a High Tea Event with both Divine Women Empowerment and Ziphora Events. The place looked awesome with awesome decors of cupcakes and packed with beautiful guests.

Naledi Molemo

 MC of the event. What a bubbly personality and soul she has.
  Carol Mhlarhi (Owner and Founder of Divine Women Empowerment and Lourel.C.Holdings) shared some inspiring words of wisdom. In her own words “Make your passion your pay-cheque"

Tshepiso Makhubedu (Speaker and Entrepreneur) discussed the Personal Branding and the importance of appearance.

Ladies from Dermalogica were there to teach us more about our skins and how to take good care of it..

Sive (Founder of Sive Hope Foundation) took the event to another level and emotionally connected with everyone while discussing emotional decluttering. Most importantly, we all left eager to face the demons that keep haunting us, unmasked ourselves, understood that it was ok to cry and freed ourselves.

Etv’s own Sisterhood crew was there to cover the event

Boitumelo Makhubele (Owner and MD of Ziphora Events) shared a few words of advise and appreciation.

More pictures from the event.

I was also there. Co-Owner of Lourel.C.Holdings and Founder of Flowrishing Women

I must say, the event was amazing. It’s good to be surrounded by women who have one common goal “Lead”. I’ve made a lot of new connections and can’t wait to be working with them in the near future.
Hope to meet more ladies in the future.
Keep Flowrishing.
Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @milkflow twitter: @milkflows

Monday, 18 July 2016

Women In Lead High Tea: Sive "The Black Rose" Nkukwana - Emotional Decluttering

There is a relationship between decluttering the negative emotions that haunt us every day and achieving the life and happiness we desire. When we are blocked by too much “stuff" we get blocked.

Ideas and dreams remain wishful and theoretical. We can't see a clear path to what we want and we might not even be able to define it clearly let alone go for it. We are stuck with victim thoughts, addictive behaviours and unhealthy relationships.

Decluttering our emotions frees us from those stuck places. It is time for us to unmask ourselves.
Ladies get your tickets. The countdown is in full force #BlackRoseInAction
IG: @sive_n 
Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @milkflow twitter: @milkflows

Women Strengthen Each Other

Yesterday I came across a friend’s update on social media throwing shade at another woman. I wasn’t impressed as I know both ladies and the power they both have to make an impact in this world.

We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty

Each of us can look back upon someone who made a great difference in our lives, someone whose wisdom or simple acts of caring made an impression upon us. In all likelihood it was someone who sought no recognition for their deed other than the joy of knowing that, by their hand, another's life had been made better.

I have been fortunate enough to know a few of these selfless and worthy human beings. If people wanted strength in numbers, we would be more united than weak and divided.

An African proverb says, “If you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together.” I would be nowhere at all if it weren’t for my sisters. With Divine Flouring women, I began to understand that when a significant group of people also know and understand the power of the greater whole, it strengthens all of us: I am far better with you. I’m much stronger and have multiplied my resources. When I’m together with all these people in a room, I can do anything. That is truly empowerment.

It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. Part of our survival instinct is to help each other. It's time for all of us to get connected, reach out and lift up each other. The more freely we share, the more bountiful are our gifts.

It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.


Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @milkflow twitter: @milkflows

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Club Launch: Absolute Women's Club

Dear Absolute Women


Don't miss out on this special occasion, spending Saturday with our one and only @naked_dj, Awesome Prizes to be won Courtesy of The Blue Train & Black Olive. Fully Paid High Tea with 15 of your friends and a De Luxe Suite for two worth R29,250

How awesome is that. Come Join Me Faith Mkhombe as we give birth to Absolute Women's Club.

Also, our banking details are on the flyer, email us proof of payment and your tickets will be sent to you electronically with an access code or delivered to you if you reside in Johannesburg.

Looking forward to having a great time with you. #BeThatWomen
IG: @absolutewomenclub @faithmkhombe

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @milkflow twitter: @milkflows

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Event: Women In Lead High Tea

Dear Women In Lead

It’s that time again whereby we celebrate our worth and our values

On the 31st July, Divine Women Empowerment & Ziphora Events Invites you to ‘Women In Lead High Tea’, an amazing Sunday afternoon out with the girls  

This Event will be hosted In Hyde Park ( Life Grand Cafรฉ) with the following below


Personal Branding
Seeking Greatness
Emotional Decluttering
Goody bags
Beauty products
Beauty Treatment Vouchers
Give Away Prizes
SisterHood on Etv

How to Book

Kindly Pay into account number provided on the flyer with name and surname as ref and send Proof of payment to


See flyer for details or contact Carol
078 177 5302
IG: @lourelc

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @milkflow twitter: @milkflows


Be That Woman


A woman who walks in purpose doesn’t have to chase people or opportunities.
Her light causes people and opportunities to pursue her.


Don’t sit around feeling sorry for yourself nor let people mistreat you.
Don’t respond to people who dictate to you or try to bring you down.

If you fall, rise up even stronger, be a survivor, a warrior and not a victim.Be in control of your life for there is nothing you can’t achieve.

A strong woman can handle other strong women. Be a strong woman who acknowledges Divine Flourishing Women.

Other women are not my competition. I stand with them.

Be That Woman

Flowrish with Divine Absolute Women!!!!



Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @milkflow twitter: @milkflows