Choice is one of
the few things that most people leave out of the equation when thinking
about all of the reasons that separates those who achieve their biggest goals
and dreams compared to those who don’t. The one thing that each and every
one of us has is the incredible potential to live a remarkable life and be
great in our own right.
We choose our habits. We
choose the action or lack of action that we are going to take on a daily basis.
We choose how hard we work. We choose what we think about all day long.
that you do on a daily basis comes from a choice. Living a better life,
building a more successful business and becoming happier all comes down to
making better choices.
Here are three questions
that can greatly benefit the direction and quality of your life if you begin
asking and answering them regularly.
1. Where am
I right now?
This is an extremely
powerful question to ask yourself because most people don’t even take
five minutes out of their days to think about where they currently are in life.
They know deep down that they are miserable but they just continue to coast
along the path they are headed down because they fail to ask this important
The key when asking
this particular question is to be honest with yourself. When you
are honest with yourself, you are offered the opportunity for growth
that will in the long run help you get to where you want to go.
Some days I have
setbacks and don’t take strides forward, but as long as I am honest with myself
when asking this question before I go to bed, I am able to know where I
stand and the steps needed to move forward. Take the time to analyze your life
and really take a long and hard look at where you currently are.
2. Where do I want to
This question is all
about what you want out of your life.
What are you putting in
the long hours for?
What gets you so excited
that it keeps you up at night?
Once you know where you
currently are in life, you then must analyze where you want to be.
Most people have no clue
where they want to be. They wake up in the morning an hour before they have to
be in the office, go to work, do enough to get the job done and then head
home before they have to do it all over again the next day. They follow
the same pattern until retirement stage.
If you don’t take the
time to think about where you want to be, the circumstances of life and other
people’s agendas will determine that for you. You deserve better.
3. What are the steps
needed to bridge the gap?
The third question
requires actual work and action, it’s easier to neglect it. After you discover
where you currently are and where you want to be, the next question that you must
ask yourself is what must be done to bridge the gap between the two? This is
going to require several sessions of strategic thinking on your part, and
may even take several weeks.
The answers to this
question will never stop. As time goes on, more answers will come your way. The
more you strategically think about what you have to do to get to where you want
to go, the better and more efficient answers will begin coming to you.
Whether you are talking
about an individual or organization, these are three questions that when
answered carefully can dramatically increase efficiency,
performance and motivation.
When you take time out
to answer these questions regularly, you give your life meaning and purpose.
The power of choice is truly extraordinary.
Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
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