Monday, 29 January 2018

Time Management

Many times when asked about trying to reach our daily tasks, monthly goals or yearly dreams, we will often blame a lack of time for not being able to accomplish them but the truth is that we all have enough time when we learn to prioritize, organize and strategize accordingly.

Time is one of life’s most valuable possessions, as it is something you can never get back. Subsequently, one of the most essential life skills to master is time management. After all, time management is really life management. Learning how to make every day count for something is the objective. But it takes ridding your life of procrastination and a great deal of self-discipline.

Mastering time management does more than just increase productivity. It can yield important health benefits as well. When time is managed wisely, it minimizes stress and improves the overall quality of your life.

If you often find yourself run down by your daily workload or overwhelmed by the complexity of projects and tasks in your life, it is likely because you have not fully mastered effective time management. As the day flies by, you realize you’re behind, or you are on schedule only because you haven’t put forth your best effort in hopes of completion.

Nothing great ever transcends from haste. Cutting corners will eventually catch up to you, and as with anything, quality always beats quantity.

This week we will look at ways to manage our time correctly so that we not only enjoy our life but make progress with our daily tasks, monthly goals.

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
Twitter: @milkflows

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Jump and Make Sacrifices - Work for Your Goals

There are a lot of people that want change but not many who are willing to make the changes for the change to happen.

The dreams and aspirations we have are all within us to achieve.

We just have to be prepared to make the steps towards by making the small sacrifices that move us away from our goals.

It only happens when you are brave and courageous enough to go make it happen. Stop procrastinating.

You have to jump and make sacrifices for a better life. Be prepared to work for your goals. ‍

The magic happens when you light that fire within and go make it a reality. 

Believe in yourself with complete certainty and you will be surprised by the results. 

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
Twitter: @milkflows

Show Up and Keep The Fire Burning

Sometimes we may feel as we are failing when we don't hit the goals we set ourselves.

We beat ourselves up, question ourselves, feel defeated and start thinking we’re not good enough. Then there are days we feel alone, no one supporting us and everyone says no.

That's all part of the learning and we have to keep going even if we miss the goals. Reset them and start again.

We achieve the goals we want in life by refusing to give up and keep that fire inside burning when it gets tough.

Giving up is not an option regardless of how hard it may seem.

Keep showing up!!!  

Why? ....because those with success stories all have one thing in common, they kept SHOWING UP even when everything in them was telling them to give up! The process cannot be rushed but it will worth it! 

Remember why you started! 

Keep growing and have faith!!!!!

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
Twitter: @milkflows

Monday, 15 January 2018

Dare to be different - Be Yourself

Can't stress enough how important authenticity and integrity is in business.

You have a voice, use it. It's so much more powerful than copying someone else's or trying to fit in. 

Own your boldness and your purpose.
It's what will give you drive every single day and really connect to flow.

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
Twitter: @milkflows

Stand Up For Yourself - Learn to say "NO"

Truth be said, there are no personal boundaries without ‘no’.
In the world where you are expected to constantly keep up, be on top of your game and always have it together, I learned to say this word. I always thought I had to agree and say yes most of the time.

Be a good friend, be pleasant and reliable. For a long time it seemed like I had no choice but to take on everything that was asked of me.

How could I say no to a friend who depends on me? How is possible for me to draw a line at work and admit to the already impossible workload ahead?

I didn’t want to let anyone down. I didn’t want to show that I was ‘weak’ or incapable. I simply didn’t want to have an honest conversation about what I truly wanted and felt.
In all honesty, I wasn’t courageous enough. I wasn’t listening to myself.

In a world that expected me to always say yes, I began to say no. I saw how through these ‘no’s, I was able to shape my life and fill it with things that I actually wanted.

By connecting within, I saw that no one was ever stepping into my personal space and blurring the boundaries. I just didn’t take a stance for what I wanted and what was important to me.

But this is the beginning of a life where I am free of overwhelm and in alignment with myself.
Now I say no, will you?

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
Twitter: @milkflows

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Hiking with Ikamva Le Zintombi

Ikamva Le Zintombi is a platform empowering women, dealing with the mind, body and the soul of each individual who have passion and aspire to lead. The "movement" consists of a Book club, single mothers outreach, phenomenal queens who once dropped their crowns and forgot their worth, but will strive to rise against all odds.

This year, the ladies will be starting the year on a high note and invite you at a hiking trip.
If you want to be an achiever, then I suggest you team up with these phenomenal women and meet them at Hennops Hiking Trail on the 24th February 2018. The program starts at 7pm, expected to be comfortable in your hiking gear, carry a note pad and don’t forget your bag of resolutions.

Make a deposit of R150(entrance and braai). Please see the flyer for baking details.

Follow Ikamva Le Zintombi on facebook and stay in touch with the winning team.

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
Twitter: @milkflows

Commit to Imperfect Action

It’s almost end of January and I’m curious to know, how has the month treated you? Did you start the year eager and excited about a fresh new year, full of possibilities? You probably set some resolutions – are you making progress on those?
While I’m positive your resolutions were set with the best of intentions, I want to share how we will make 2018 the year we truly-create change – the year you reach a new level in your brand/business, get out on stage to speak, create that Magazine, write the movie or whatever you dream of accomplishing?

Well, here’s a tip that may surprise you – TOSS your resolutions and commit to IMPERFECT ACTION.

Here’s the deal. I’ve witnessed first-hand too many entrepreneurs/friends get stuck year after year in building and growing their brands/businesses. Trust me, I went through this too when I first started "still going through it at times".. You get caught up in perfecting your marketing plan, fine tuning your bio, revamping your website…and what happens is it freezes you from moving forward. You are waiting for everything to be “just so” which results in you being stuck. You’re left not moving, waiting, hoping for the perfect solution to emerge out of thin air.
But being successful doesn’t come from always making perfect choices in perfect situations, now does it? No. Success comes to those who are comfortable going out there and doing things…IMPERFECTLY.

If you wait for perfect conditions, you’ll never get anything done.

To run a successful brand/business you have to JUST GET OUT THERE! Throw some things around and then see what sticks. Once you start taking action, you’ll discover what works – and what doesn’t – and that’s when the clarity will start coming to you.  Trust me! If you can learn to get comfortable with imperfect action, and even have fun with it, this will free you from any paralyzation and allow you to innovate and grow. And, I guarantee you’ll start making money more quickly.

Remember, success is not just a destination, it’s a journey. And to take that journey, ACTION is required, even if it’s not PERFECT. 

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
Twitter: @milkflows

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Kicking Resistance

Lately I’ve been feeling tons of resistance with my brand. Perhaps you can relate? You know what you need to do for your brand, but you just aren’t doing it.

You let distractions happen…realizing you just spent three hours on Facebook or Instagram.
You constantly check the fridge or decide to finish up that laundry that you know can wait until the weekend or maybe take a long nap …I call this evil character Resistance Rita. She knows exactly when to strike and catch me off guard. But I found 4 ways on how to fight Resistance Renee that I’d love to share with you.

My 4 ways on how to crush Resistance & Procrastination:

1:: Get real with yourself on why this resistance is here.
For me, it’s here because I am going to be launching a few new ventures I’ve never done before. I’m afraid of the unknown and feel overwhelmed by the new projects.
Think about where your resistance is coming from. What is it that you are fearing?

Action Step: Get out a pen & paper. Write down your answer to this question.

2:: Think about the outcome if your fear came true.
Perhaps you’re scared of being told no to the sale? I’m scared of rejection but in this instance, I LOVE no’s. Why? Because it’s one step closer to a yes. Not everyone is going to be your perfect client and not everyone is ready to make the commitment to work with you. Your only job is to inspire, layout a plan of action to help them solve their problems & invite them to let you help them reach that. It’s up to them to walk through the door.
So you failed on a launch? That’s actually a GOOD thing! Why? Because you took action and now you can see where you went wrong and what needs to change for your next one. I love this quote:
“So when you think about it, our fears are just our ego talking. It’s false information we tell ourselves so we stay small”.

Action step: Write out the outcome of the fear in a positive scenario.

3:: Pull out the power of your why.
When I’m feeling down my motivation is gone and Resistance Rita has me in a choke hold…I strike her back with writing out my why. This usually gives her a nice strike back in the face. Your why is your deep down selfish reason for why you do this crazy business called entrepreneurship. It’s why you jump out of bed every morning. It’s why you push yourself out of your comfort zone every single day.

Action step: Write out your why.

4:: Last but not least is visualization 
Visualization is a powerful strategy that I use consistently in my life. I do this by writing in my journal as if the outcome has already come true. I start the entry with…Thank you universe for ______. After you write out your perfect outcome as if it already happened, close your eyes for 1-2 minutes. Imagine and feel what it’s like to have achieved your greatest desire. Allow yourself to smile. To really feel what it would be like. This is by far my most powerful weapon I use against Resistance Rita.

Action step: Journal for 5 minutes followed by visualization for 2 minutes.

This wraps up my top four weapons against miss Resistance Rita.

Tell me how you deal with resistance and if you have any strategies to add. Please comment below!

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
Twitter: @milkflows

Cut The Shade

Stop trying to call out and shame people who don't support you! The truth is, they don't have to! ...subliminal posts say more about you than it does about them. The question you should ask yourself is why you care so much that they don't? Why not FOCUS solely on the ones who do? 

The truth is they probably support someone out there in this world...that someone just isn't you! Sometimes we judge people based on what WE perceive they should do, not on what they have a right to do! Then we get all in our feelings because of their lack of compliance with our perfect picture when truthfully we may need to get off our own high horse!

When you walk confidently in your purpose and are sure of God's magnificence, someone not supporting, saying no, not clapping, not liking and not sharing becomes petty and irrelevant because you know they cannot stop God's blessings regardless! Stop giving them that much power over you...let them do them and you simply do you! cut the shade 

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
Twitter: @milkflows

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Break Down and Boss Up

It's ok to feel overwhelmed, to feel exhausted, to get frustrated...that's LIFE!

The issue occurs when you spend more time focusing on the problem rather than the solution and become addicted to playing the victim!

Cry if you must, close a door and scream/shout, hold yourself a huge pity party for a grand total of 5 mins (with balloons and all) but then my dear after those 5 minutes....

Its time to put those big girl panties on and handle the situation! There truly is nothing you can't handle when you put your mind to it! 

Accountability is key my friend!

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
Twitter: @milkflows