Thursday, 11 January 2018

Commit to Imperfect Action

It’s almost end of January and I’m curious to know, how has the month treated you? Did you start the year eager and excited about a fresh new year, full of possibilities? You probably set some resolutions – are you making progress on those?
While I’m positive your resolutions were set with the best of intentions, I want to share how we will make 2018 the year we truly-create change – the year you reach a new level in your brand/business, get out on stage to speak, create that Magazine, write the movie or whatever you dream of accomplishing?

Well, here’s a tip that may surprise you – TOSS your resolutions and commit to IMPERFECT ACTION.

Here’s the deal. I’ve witnessed first-hand too many entrepreneurs/friends get stuck year after year in building and growing their brands/businesses. Trust me, I went through this too when I first started "still going through it at times".. You get caught up in perfecting your marketing plan, fine tuning your bio, revamping your website…and what happens is it freezes you from moving forward. You are waiting for everything to be “just so” which results in you being stuck. You’re left not moving, waiting, hoping for the perfect solution to emerge out of thin air.
But being successful doesn’t come from always making perfect choices in perfect situations, now does it? No. Success comes to those who are comfortable going out there and doing things…IMPERFECTLY.

If you wait for perfect conditions, you’ll never get anything done.

To run a successful brand/business you have to JUST GET OUT THERE! Throw some things around and then see what sticks. Once you start taking action, you’ll discover what works – and what doesn’t – and that’s when the clarity will start coming to you.  Trust me! If you can learn to get comfortable with imperfect action, and even have fun with it, this will free you from any paralyzation and allow you to innovate and grow. And, I guarantee you’ll start making money more quickly.

Remember, success is not just a destination, it’s a journey. And to take that journey, ACTION is required, even if it’s not PERFECT. 

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
Twitter: @milkflows

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