Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Transition Time

During major transitions in your life, the enemy will expose itself and those that are no longer aligned on your journey will fall away! Be still knowing that it is simply God cleaning out your closet...don't try to fight it or hang onto things he has thrown out! He is preparing space for those aligned for your next season!

"When she transformed into a butterfly, the caterpillars spoke not of her beauty but of her weirdness. They wanted her to change back into what she always had been....but it was too late, she now had WINGS!🦋 " - Dean Jackson

Change scares those who are content with remaining the same so everyone won't understand your new journey, won't be comfortable with it or supportive about it! That is ok...continue to fly anyway, the journey is yours not theirs! You have missions to accomplish and no time to waste! One day they'll know your story but until then keep soaring high and continue to give God the glory! It's time to transform from caterpillar to butterfly my Queens regardless of the naysayers...while they keep talking, you keep praying, slaying and accomplishing unapologetically!

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow 
Twitter: @milkflows 

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Being Empowered is Being Self-Aware

As you go through life, you will be exposed to many thoughts and ideas. Sometimes those thoughts and ideas can be so strongly impressed upon you that you begin to believe them and they become part of who you are. 

Being empowered is being self-aware and having self-control. Although you can’t always control what thoughts come to your mind, you can always choose to adjust them or erase them. You can choose if your thoughts become words or actions. You can choose if and how your thoughts affect other people. 

Before you allow a thought to become a thing, I encourage you to fact check it. Take what you think seriously as your thoughts have the power to manifest things into your life, influence the people around you, and impact future generations. 

Just imagine how much different the world would be if all racists and misogynists thought like this.

Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow 
Twitter: @milkflows