During major
transitions in your life, the enemy will expose itself and those that are no
longer aligned on your journey will fall away! Be still knowing that it is
simply God cleaning out your closet...don't try to fight it or hang onto things
he has thrown out! He is preparing space for those aligned for your next
she transformed into a butterfly, the caterpillars spoke not of her beauty but
of her weirdness. They wanted her to change back into what she always had
been....but it was too late, she now had WINGS!🦋 " - Dean
Change scares
those who are content with remaining the same so everyone won't understand your
new journey, won't be comfortable with it or supportive about it! That is
ok...continue to fly anyway, the journey is yours not theirs! You have missions
to accomplish and no time to waste! One day they'll know your story but until
then keep soaring high and continue to give God the glory! It's time to
transform from caterpillar to butterfly my Queens regardless of the
naysayers...while they keep talking, you keep praying, slaying and
accomplishing unapologetically!
Empowered Women
@flowrishingwomen @milkflow