As you go through life, you will be exposed to many thoughts and ideas. Sometimes those thoughts and ideas can be so strongly impressed upon you that you begin to believe them and they become part of who you are.
Being empowered is being self-aware and having self-control. Although you can’t always control what thoughts come to your mind, you can always choose to adjust them or erase them. You can choose if your thoughts become words or actions. You can choose if and how your thoughts affect other people.
Before you allow a thought to become a thing, I encourage you to fact check it. Take what you think seriously as your thoughts have the power to manifest things into your life, influence the people around you, and impact future generations.
Just imagine how much different the world would be if all racists and misogynists thought like this.
Flourishing Empowered Women
IG: @flowrishingwomen @milkflow
Twitter: @milkflows
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